Whether you are a driver looking for the nearest parking spot or a pedestrian trying to get safely across the area, busy parking lots can be difficult to navigate around. But it doesn't have to be this way! With a combination of our easily-applied products, you can make it both easier and safer for people to find their way around your parking area.
Charge up on e-parking inspiration
With more and more electric cars hitting the road, there is an ever-increasing need for more charging stations. We believe that finding the nearest place to charge your car is much easier when the parking space is made in an eye-catching colour with symbols that are easy to recognise. It also allows you to create attention around your city, business, or brand as being forward-thinking and environmentally conscious.
Check out our brochure to find inspiration in some of our popular e-parking solutions.

Colour demarcation
By using bright colours, you can make it easier for people to identify the purpose of each area on the parking lot. We recommend using either our PlastiRoute™ materials or solventborne paints for this purpose. With these colourful materials you can make handicap spots, e-charging bays, family parking spaces stand out - or perhaps mark a safe pathway for pedestrians to follow.

Preformed parking signage
Our PREMARK™ products are the go-to-solution if you want to mark your parking area with recognisable signage. Whether you are looking for handicap or e-parking symbols, lines to separate each parking space, or arrows to provide guidance, these markings can help make it easy and safe to navigate the area. The precut markings are fast to apply and can be used on their own or on top of a coloured surface.

Pavers and borders
Our PaveSmart™ products offer an alternative and easy-to-apply solution when it comes to creating a well-functioning and safe parking area. The PaveSmart Rustic pavers provide an easily maintained surface for the parking bays, while PaveSmart Borders, can be used to create parking blocks for each parking bay or to mark entrances and exits of the area.