Geveko Markings - Celebrating the Journey

Celebrating the Journey

2024 is a special year for us at Geveko Markings as we celebrate our 100th anniversary!

Over the past century, horizontal markings have evolved from basic functional lines on the road to sophisticated, safety-enhancing markings that cater to the demands of modern transportation systems - and we have been there every step of the way.

Passion for road markings

For the last 100 years, we have put our passion into helping people around the world get safely to where they need to be.

The continued journey together with our customers is what we want to focus on in the celebration of our anniversary. We believe this milestone is the perfect occasion to commemorate past, present, and future collaborations. Therefore, we hope you will join us in celebrating the road marking industry’s pioneering spirit and passion for safe, sustainable, and efficient mobility.

Thank you all for a great Intertraffic 2024!

This edition of Intertraffic Amsterdam was particularly special for us as we celebrated our 100th anniversary! Thanks to all of you who came by our stand and helped us celebrate the last 100 years in the road markings industry. Celebrating it with you made the occasion even more special!

It was fantastic to see so many new and well-known faces from the industry. Let’s continue celebrating the journey by participating in our anniversary competitions – and see all the great pictures from the four exciting days at Intertraffic in Amsterdam.

We can’t wait to be back in 2026!

Dive deeper and explore!

Do you want to dive deeper into our company, products, and solutions? Here, you will find an overview of our inspirational brochures and video material which is available to order.

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